40 Days and 40 Nights

Performed and Created by Daniel Brooks and Kim Collier

Consulting Director and Dramaturg:  Jennifer Tarver
Composer:  Andrew Creeggan
Additional Composition and Sound: Debashis Sinha
Designer:  Ken Mackenzie
Artistic Associate: Lucy McNulty
Partners in Creation: Electric Company Theatre, Necessary Angel Theatre Company , The Tracy Wright Global Archive at The Theatre Centre

Workshopped in 2016 at the Theatre Centre, Toronto
Workshopped in 2017 at Progress Lab 1422, Vancouver
With development support from the Hamber Foundation

 Premiered April 2018

The performance begins: A bell is rung by each individual as they enter the theatrical space. A glass of water is ceremoniously distributed, and everyone drinks together. The ritual has begun. The audience is then asked a series of questions about love and lovers. If the answer is yes to any one of the questions, they are invited to sit.

Mysterious, symbolic, achingly intimate. Two lovers whose love exists across time, and transforms across time, philosophize and ritualize love as a vital aspect of living.

“40 Days And 40 Nights is perhaps the single most cathartic exercise to turn our attention back to what really matters.” – Toronto Stage

“Wonderful and transformative experience…rich and meaningful” -40 Days Patron